Thursday, December 4, 2008


just wanted to give an update on how the whole process is going. I visited KC a few weeks ago and got to meet Russ who is an awesome guy and really has a heart for bringing people to Christ. I have most of the new flooring in my house and it will be up for sale within a few weeks. No luck yet on selling the truck but i just have to keep praying. As soon as my house is up for sale i will move in with my cousin and live for free which is a huge blessing and will help alot once my house sells. Just pray it sells fast. I have applied to midwestern seminary and waiting for the application for fusion. While i am still here i am advertising for fusion as much as i can ( it is such a great program and i can't wait to be apart of it. Please pray for my friend Kelsey as she is in the program and getting ready to go overseas to sudan a very dangerous place. I will also start training for fusion in the next few weeks both physically and spiritually. Hopefully for christmas my parents will get me the books i asked for. I am diving into the bible to grow my knowledge as much as i can. I am really excited about what the next year or two holds for me and what God has planned. Please continue to pray for me that i will stay focused on him and what he has in store for me.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So i have some big news, it was three sundays ago that I gave my life to full service into the ministry, and i told God i would go wherever he sends me. I feel he is leading me to fusion to train students. Besides the fact that i love working with college students, i have a love for the outdoors and Gods creation. The committment these students are making sets me on fire and i would love to be apart of their lives and help them prepair for the journey Christ has laid before them. God just keeps on putting things in my life that give me assurance that this is where he wants me to be. I will be putting my house up for rent in the coming weeks and probably move in with my sister till i leave for KC. I am going up there this weekend to talk to Russ the director about different roles on the leadership team. I have never had this feeling. I am going up there and I don't even know it they need anyone, i just know God said go. I am putting all trust in Christ that he is prepairing a way for me and i know he is in control. This is the most exciting time in my life and also the scariest as I have to trust God to take care of my financial obligations here, but i know he will as long as i keep my eyes on him. Please pray for me as i make some major life changes in order to follow His Call.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

New Adventure

So today begins a new chapter or new adventure in my life. I have my first class to start my masters degree. I am getting my Masters in Christian Studies from Union. I have no idea what God is going to do with me when i am done but i have two years to find out. All i know is that this is what he wants me to do and i just have to be obedient. To back up a bit, I had sent in my application and was accepted. I became discouraged when i found out each class was almost $800 and there is a new class ever 2 months. God showed me his power a few weeks ago when at friday morning mens breakfast i voiced a prayer request that I would be obedient in taking these classes and God would provide the funds. Well that afternoon my grandmother called and told me she heard i was going to school and she wanted to pay for it. It was so awesome to see God work so openly in my life. That also reasured me that this is what He wants me to do. My first class is Communicating Biblical Truth (preaching), so i am a little nervous. But I know God will give me the words to speak when the time comes.
I am so proud of all my friends following God's call and the ones out in the mission field. I find great encouragement whenever i read their blogs and see the great work God is doing in their lives. Even though i miss all of them, I wouldn't want them anywhere else than where God has them.
I have had some discouraging months lately in regards to where my life is right know but i find assurance only in God, knowing he has total control and as long as i stay focused on him, he will give me a life greater that i could ever imagined. These past few years i have seen a huge growth in my life and part of it is because of the amazing Christian friends that God has provided for me, thank you all.
Please pray that God would guide me and show me the next step in my life, and that i will stay obedient and follow him.

Shining until He returns!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.